The Best of Both Worlds: Harnessing Hybrid Staffing Models for Cost-Effective Coverage

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A hybrid staffing model is a cloud-based contact center solution that combines in-house agents with remote agents to provide cost-effective coverage for businesses. Hybrid staffing allows businesses to scale costs to the degree that is needed, balancing quality with cost-effectiveness. The model provides the services your customers have come to expect while providing the opportunity to exceed service level agreement (SLAs) metrics, resulting in improved operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. 

The Rise of Hybrid Staffing

Since the pandemic, contact centers have significantly changed how staffing is structured. Previously, contact centers were typically premise-based operations where call center agents and staff worked from a centralized office location. However, due to the pandemic, a shift occurred towards incorporating remote call center staff to continue offering services to clients. Contact centers adapted to the changes brought about by the pandemic by combining both premise-based and remote call center staff, creating a hybrid staffing model that has continued to thrive. 

By combining the benefits of traditional in-office setups with the advantages of remote work, hybrid staffing today offers a more versatile and adaptable working environment for contact center staff. Employees enjoy a degree of flexibility to work from home or in the office based on their preferences. It optimizes efficiency, scalability, quality service, and cost-effectiveness for businesses. Here’s how:


One concern for remote working at home was the question of sufficient productivity. However, studies have found quite the opposite. One important study from Stanford School of Business found a 13% performance increase in productivity for those employees who have the option to work from home. The study cited various factors ranging from reduced distractions to a more comfortable work environment as contributing to the productivity increase when working from home. 

Technology Integration

Cloud-based integration solutions have played a significant role in facilitating the cost-effectiveness and service quality of hybrid staffing models by providing the necessary infrastructure for remote work. The infrastructure allows agents to access call center software, customer data, and communication tools from anywhere with an internet connection. Cloud-based platforms enable easy collaboration and data sharing between in-house teams and remote workers. This integration ensures remote staff access to the same tools, systems, and information as in-house agents, maintaining consistency and continuity in service delivery. Features like instant messaging, video conferencing, and virtual team rooms enable agents, supervisors, and managers to communicate and collaborate regardless of location.

Benefits of Hybrid Staffing

Increased Labor Pool

Remote work enables companies to tap into a wider pool of qualified labor without being limited by geographical boundaries. This not only ensures adequate staffing at all times but opens up opportunities to attract top talent from different locations, thereby increasing the experience and expertise of your workforce. For example, managing high call volumes or dealing with complex issues requires well-trained, experienced agents with excellent customer service skills. Knowledgeable agents know how to handle inquiries to a customer’s satisfaction more quickly and with ease, helping to improve key indicators and contribute to exceeding the SLAs of a call center. 

Reduced Overhead

Another benefit of a hybrid staffing model is how it saves on overhead for employers. For example, implementing hybrid staffing initiatives can lead to cost savings that help companies exceed SLAs. Hybrid call centers can scale their workforce according to demand during peak hours without increasing physical space or additional infrastructure. This allows companies to reduce expenses associated with overhead costs like increased office space, office equipment, furnishings, utilities, and more. 

Scalability and Flexibility

Hybrid systems also offer scalability and flexibility, allowing call centers to quickly adjust staffing levels in response to fluctuations in call volume or business needs. Whether scaling up during peak periods or scaling down during slower times, cloud-based solutions provide the agility required for a hybrid staffing model. Call centers can easily onboard additional agents, deploy new features, or expand capacity without significant upfront investment in hardware or infrastructure.

Hybrid staffing models allow call centers to balance cost-effectiveness with service quality to help businesses surpass their SLAs. Overall, hybrid staffing initiatives have proven beneficial for both employers and employees. Cloud-based solutions enhance productivity and enable a greater talent pool to draw on, can reduce overhead, and give scalability and flexibility options for employers. 

Telecom, Inc. is a mid-size, boutique call center provider offering enough capacity to service initiatives requiring up to 100 agents but small enough to provide the personal attention our clients and programs deserve. We have long used hybrid staffing models to meet and exceed SLAs. Our hybrid premise/cloud-based software and server configuration supports remote administration and is ideally positioned to facilitate hybrid staffing. To learn more about how hybrid staffing can exceed your SLAs, contact Telecom, today.

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